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Ultimate List of WI-CCA Study Materials

CCA Exam FAQThe first step is to read the International CCA Performance objectives and the Wisconsin CCA performance objective. The WI objectives are broken into 4 categories and all exam questions are from these 4 areas.

Register for the CCA exam https://www.certifiedcropadviser.org/exams/registration CCA Exam FAQ
CCA Exam Study Materials- https://www.certifiedcropadviser.org/exams/exam-study-materialsCCA Exam Study Materials

UW Extension Learning Store “Soils” Publications- Just click the thumbnail or title to open and study the variety of extension pdfs on soil conservation, soil fertility and soil management.

UW Extension Learning Store “Crops” Publications- Review pdf publications on key topics on corn, forages & pasture, fruit, soybeans & small grains, vegetables with added info on specific disease, weeds, insects and other problems in each category listed above.

Visual Quick Guide to Common Diseases in Wisconsin choose the crop to review the quick guide on to study: (view pdf at UW Learning store)

Soybean                                                  Wheat                                              Corn

Integrate Pest and Crop Management Publications -comprehensive list of publications produced by the IPCM programs. To view a publication, simply click on the title or individual categories:   Nutrient Management                        Pest Management        Weed Science    

ipm weed guide                     ag weed factsheets             

Common weed seedlings of the north central states-This detailed, illustrated guide will help you identify the 54 of the most common problem weed species pdf at UW learning store

UW Extension Learning Store “Forages” Publications- Study the forage, weeds, insects and other problems of forage crops in 6 documents, and 16 documents on grazing and harvesting forages, 10 on pasture grasses and 13 on pasture legume topics

UW Extension Learning Store “Manure” Publications- open, review or print these 12 manure related publications

Pesticide Applicator Training
Continued on next page…

Management of Wisconsin Soils A3588

Nutrient Application Guidelines for Field, Vegetable, and fruit crops in WI A2809

UW IPM Field Crops Scouting Manual

Pest Management in Wisconsin Field Crops A3646

Wisconsin CCA Study Materials -- A series of recorded presentations by UW Extension State Specialists:
         Soil science fundamentals for field crops (videos) 
Field crop forage fundamentals (videos)
Weed, insect, disease IPM for field crops (videos)
University of Wisconsin Integrated Pest and Crop Management(videos)

UW Nutrient Mgmt Farmer Edu series of agronomic videos that include similar CCA training topics

Commercial Vegetable Production In Wisconsin A3422
What should Certified Crop Advisors know about green beans- Wisconsin is the leading  producer of green beans. Here is a complete guide of how to produce a top crop.
Cranberry production in Wisconsin

PRACTICE TESTS- Give your try at some basic agronomy test questions in these FFA tests with answer keys to help you determine areas to study more before the CCA exam.
Iowa FFA Practice Tests- Crops, soils & agronomy past exams to use as practice

Kansas State Agronomy Practice Tests with Answer Keys

Math Anxiety: Fertilizer Calculations -look over common agronomy math problems



Good Luck on your upcoming CCA Exam from the entire WI CCA Board and fellow certified crop advisors of Wisconsin!